
Forum Ninja Gaiden Sigma

Sortie le 04 Juillet 2007 , PS3

Je suis bloqué au chapitre 17 ? (Ninja Gaiden Sigma)

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Besoin d'aide je suis bloqué au chapitre 17, une soluce ?
Je n'ai aucun jeu dans ma collection
Soluce en anglais trouvée sur gamefaqs.com

Head on up to the temple and take out the Dabilahro. Bust open the large crack
to reveal a doorway leading into the temple. Enter and go down the stairs to
fight a new enemy, the Knightmare. You will need to take out three of these
obnoxious SoB's before this place is done.

Mini-Boss: Knightmare
You will have to fight three of them so just use the same general strategy to
do so. Keep the Dabilahro out and let them come to you since they are super
aggressive. Thier regular attacks cannot break your block so what you need to
do is to counterattack them with the Dabilahro. If you try any other method of
combat you are going to have some problems, so just use this and you will be
fine. Just keep using this tactic, even when they transform and you should have
no problem. If youre feeling adventurous then try something else and see how
quickly they can hurt you.

Fight done with, congrats!
Head back on out and take the path towards the open doors. Ignore the Griffon
Door and head through the open door with the save point. Save the game and use
the Muramasas statue. Go through the glowing portal to a fun new area.

You will have to kill off some of the Shadow Fiends here, nothing too dangerous
especially after the Knightmares. Kill them all and grab the Griffon Key out of
a chest here and then teleport out of there. Go back to the Griffon door and
use the key to gain entry.

Take out the flails as soon as you enter and start killing off the ghost fish
as they appear. Theyre something of a pain to fight here but they shouldnt be
too big of a problem. Go up the stairs all the way up to the top, search the
body and head past the Lion Door. Head all the way down the path until you see
a lone chest. Grab the Lion Key out of the chest and you will get jumped from
behind by a swarm of ghost fish. Take them out and you will be attacked by
three catwomen.

Take them out using explosive arrows and then head on out. You will be attacked
by some catwomen and a crab fiend, use the explosive arrows to make short work
of them. Head on over to the Lion Door and go on through.

Head ot the right and go up the stairs to find a save point. Use it and head
down the long path to the right. Head that way killing all of the ghost fish
and you will find a Muramasa statue. Move down the thin alley like passage and
you will fight yet more ghost fish. Kill them all and then go to the chest at
the very end of the path to find the Lioness Key. Head back to the save point,
killing off any ghost fish in your way and then enter the wide open area. The
Lioness Door is located here. You will be attacked by ghost fish and crab
fiends when you enter. Kill the fish with jumping attacks before you use charge
up attacks to take out the crabs (or use explosive arrows in a pinch). Go to
the save point and save your game before going through the Lioness Door.

Stage Boss: Spectral Doku
Okay, ya know what? Team Ninja has officially entered the realm of cheesy with
this fight. This is essentially the same as the last fight except that now Doku
likes to float around and spam his slam attack which is nearly impossible to
reliably dodge (even when rolling away). The trick here is try and dodge his
attacks until he performs a charge attack.

When he does the charge attack roll away and then perform a two hit combo to
counter it. This will push him back a bit, so roll away and then prepare for a
waiting game. If you are feeling a bit more like a risk taker you can perform
the flying swallow attack and try to dive at him. You are more likely to miss
than you are to hit him. But if you do hit him you will leave him vulnerable
for a moment. This should be enough of a chance to hit him a few times before
you have to run from him. This doesnt always work but its a bit easier than
sitting there and waiting for Doku to give you permission to hit him.
Took long enough, no?
Je n'ai aucun jeu dans ma collection
vous etes bloqué ou exactement ?
moi, j'ai fini le jeu, et je trouve qu'il est un peu difficile toute même, il y a 19 chapitre en tout.

1) Avez-vous pensé a taper le vieu vendeur (:-p) si vous le tapez, il vous donne des boule jaune, parcontre si vou le tapez de trop la parti sera terminé.

2) Avez-vous réussi à récupérer tous les scarabé d'or (surtout celle qui est sur le wagon d'un train dans le engare, je n'y arrive pas)
Je n'ai aucun jeu dans ma collection
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Le test

Les +

  • Un des plus grands jeux d'action de tous les temps.
  • Long, riche, et corsé.
  • Un Gameplay d'orfèvre.
  • Fluidité irréprochable.
  • Un titre sur lequel on revient avec plaisir.

Les -

  • Caméra lourde et capricieuse.
  • Lifting graphique assez léger.
  • Ajout de Rachel dispensable : un personnage rigide et limité en techniques.
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tres bon
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