
Rune Factory 4 annulé sur 3DS en Europe

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Après la fermeture de son développeur, Rune Factory 4 ne sortira finalement pas sur nos 3DS au printemps.
Je n'ai aucun jeu dans ma collection
Un des aléas du zonage sur les consoles Nintendo...
bon ben y a plus qu'a esperer (qui a dit prier?) que la cartouche us (si elle sort un jour) ne soit pas bloquer (je sais c'est beau de rever mais bon....o_o on y croit
Je n'ai aucun jeu dans ma collection
Je n'ai aucun jeu dans ma collection
si sa sortira en digitalisé

la news vien du site MynintendoNews:
"Xseed has told online gaming publication Siliconera that the company is trying to release Rune Factory 4 in Europe. The good news is the game will be coming, but it will be a digital only release. News emerged yesterday that the game was coming to Europe when a listing for Rune Factory 4 was found on the USK ratings board. Here?s what Xseed?s Executive VP, Ken Berry, had to say about the situation.

?The situation is that we know the Rune Factory 4 fans in Europe have suffered enough with one cancellation already,, so we didn?t want to announce anything until the game passed [Nintendo of Europe] certification and we were sure its digital-only eShop release was imminent since we are using a different programming house to try to pick up where the original dev team left off.?

?Though I can?t disclose which development house is handling the PAL localization programming duties for us, I can say that it?s been in the works for months already and we hope to start the master submission process with NOE within the next couple weeks.?"
Edité le 04/10/2014 à 12:13
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